Adoption of improved agricultural technologies pdf

The low rate of adoption of improved agricultural technologies could be due to low expected benefits from the practice or could be due to other factors such. For instance mendola adopted the propensity score matching psm methods to assess the impact of agricultural technology adoption on poverty in. While some studies have attempted to assess the factors behind the adoption behaviour of farmers, they have either. Dec, 20 a survey was conducted in the southern agricultural zone of nasarawa state, north central nigeria, to assess the intensity of adoption of improved fisheries technologies among fish farmers. Atai therefore intends to target technologies that are profitable in a world with perfectly. On the other hand, other agricultural technology adoption studies by other researchers indicated that age positively affected adoption. The empirical evidences on the determinants of agricultural technology adoption and their intensity of adoption are very limited. These studies underline the positive impact of adoption of improved seed varieties on household livelihoods. The adoption of improved agricultural technologies continues to be seen as an important route out of poverty in most of the developing world. It is against this backdrop that this study investigated the socioeconomic determinants of adoption of improved rice production technologies in ebonyi state, nigeria. Department of agricultural economics and extension technology federal university of technology, minna nigeria abstract this study analyzed the socioeconomic factors affecting adoption of innovation by cocoa farmers in ondo state. Understanding factors affecting technology adoption in. Sep 19, 2018 our results suggest that adoption of improved cassava varieties has led to a 4.

Factors affecting diffusion and adoption of agricultural. Enhancing adoption of agricultural technologies requiring high initial. Therefore, accurate measurement of adoption is crucial for a more credible estimate of the poverty reduction effect of adoption. Anyanwu department of agricultural extension, university of nigeria, nsukka, enugu state, nigeria. Pdf the study determined farmers adoption of improved agricultural technologies disseminated via radio farmer programme in enugu state, nigeria.

Pdf this paper evaluates the impact of adopting improved agricultural technologies high yielding varieties, hyvs on rural household. One of the means by which farm level productivity can be increased is through the introduction and dissemination of improved agricultural technologies to farmers. This is possible if and only if, information on the adoption and risk taking behaviour of farmers is known in advance. Agricultural new technologies constitute the introduction and use of hybrids, the greenhouse technology, genetically modified food, chemical fertilizers, insecticides. Factors that influence the rate and intensity of adoption of. As a result, smallholder production of staple crops is low, food security is low, and many. Significance of the study the study focuses on the analysis of socioeconomic factors that influence the adoption of improved agricultural technologies and its extent among farmers and impact of. Adoption of improved fisheries technologies by fish farmers. Factors affecting farmers adoption of technologies in. Its production is rapidly increasing where it has been a minor crop in the past. Adoption of improved teff varieties quncho is very important to increase productivity and it can also improve food security. Agricultural technology adoption in west africa a thesis. Where and how index insurance can boost the adoption of.

The adoption of technologies for sustainable farming systems is a challenging and dynamic issue for farmers, extension services, agribusiness and policymakers. Agricultural extension and technology adoption for food. Our results suggest that adoption of improved cassava varieties has led to a 4. Agricultural technology transfer preferences of smallholder. Evaluate the method of transfer of technologies and the level of adoption of the different w ia technologies by the women. Poverty reduction effects of agricultural technology adoption. Factors that affect the adoption of improved maize varieties. A sample of 100 fish farms out of the 202 existing farms identified during the survey was randomly selected for the study. Adoption of improved agricultural technologies has been associated with. Low and slow adoption of improved agricultural technologies among smallholders often frustrate. Technology is assumed to mean a new, scientifically derived, often complex input supplied to farmers by organizations with deep technical expertise. Factors influencing the adoption of improved cultivars. Adoption of improved technology in ethiopia agecon search.

Adoption and impact of improved agricultural technologies the adoption of an innovation within a social system takes place through its adoption by individuals or groups. Pdf the main purpose of this paper is to introduce the modern technology adoption its importance, usage and role in agriculture improvement. To get the expected benefit, the technology should be adopted well by smallholder farmers. In this paper, determinants of adoption and intensity of adoption of improved.

Adoption of improved tef and wheat production technologies in. Adoption and impact of agricultural technologies 92 if attention is not given to the use and adoption of agricultural technologies. Socioeconomic factors affecting the adoption of improved. Issues for consideration when scalingup olatoye adebayo on december 2nd, 2015 at 7. Socioeconomic factors affecting the adoption of improved agricultural technologies among women in marakwet county kenya sulo t. Our results suggest that the adoption of improved agricultural technologies has a significant positive impact on farmers integration into output market and the findings are consistent across. In the past, the choice of technologies and their adoption was to increase production, productivity and farm incomes. Adoption improved farm inputs affects poverty and economic growth in different ways. Results show that adoption of improved irrigation technologies is widespread at various levels of intensity. The regression result revealed that agricultural technology adoption has a positive and significant effect on household income by which adopters are betteroffs than nonadopters. Neill and lee point out that the majority of existing literature on agricultural technology adoption is focused on green revolution gr technologies such as irrigation, fertilizer use, and the adoption patterns of highyield variety hyv seeds.

Adoption of improved maize variety among farm households. First, the adoption of agricultural technology can make a limited contribution to reducing the vulnerability of the small scale farmers who are mostly poor. First, the adoption of agricultural technology can make a limited contribution to reducing the. Adoption of new agricultural technologies is always at the center of policy interest in developing countries. Understanding factors affecting technology adoption in smallholder livestock production systems in ethiopia. Abadi teferi 1, damas philip phd 2 moti jaleta phd 3 abstract this study aims at identifying factors which affect the adoption of improved maize varieties in three woredas in central oromia, ethiopia. Pdf adoption of improved agricultural technologies among. Exploring farmers perceptions of agricultural technologies.

Introduction agriculture continues to be the dominant sector in ethiopias economy, accounting for 51% of the gdp in 2009 wb, 20. The program, designed by the ngo brac, features two main components to promote improved technology use. Adoption of improved tef and wheat production technologies. Where and how index insurance can boost the adoption of improved agricultural technologies michaelr. Market inefficiencies and the adoption of agricultural. He further suggested that higher the education level more would be the adoption of improved practices. Over many decades, policies for agriculture, trade, research and development, education, training and advice have been strong influences on the choice of technology, the level of agricultural production and farm practices.

Ali 1972 concluded that education has been found to play a vital role in the adoption of improved agricultural practices. In ethiopia, for instance, a unit increase in gdp derived from agriculture has a potential of reducing. Poverty reduction effects of agricultural technology. Impact of technology adoption on agricultural productivity.

Review on adoption of improved agricultural technologies in. Truong thi ngoc chi 1 and ryuichi yamada 2 abstract farmers changes of technology use are influenced by technical training, meeting, oral transmission, trust on technician and belief level on technology. Education motivates and creates awareness amongst farmers to adopt new agricultural technologies. Adoption of improved technology in ethiopia by assefa admassie and gezahegn ayele1 abstract one of the means by which farm level productivity can be increased is through the introduction and dissemination of improved agricultural technologies to farmers. The approach taken by the agricultural technology adoption initiative atai assumes that beneficial technologies do exist and that successful strategies for addressing the constraints on their adoption will improve welfare. Meanwhile, access to seed is a necessary condition for improved seed adoption dontsopnguezet et al, 2011 and the adoption of improved seed is an important component of agricultural productivity, food security and sustainable economic growth faltermeier and abdulai, 2009. This study uses the probit model to estimate the likelihood of household adoption of these improved technologies and. Agricultural technology adoption, commercialization and. Hence, there is a need to adopt the proven agricultural technologies so as to heighten production as well as productivity and thereby the living condition of the rural poor. The agricultural sector needs to employ a wide range of evolving technologies and farm practices across many different farming systems and structures to meet a variety of. However, studies that have analysed the relationship between improved agricultural technology adoption, market participation and overall welfare among the rural farming households is still very scarce in the literature.

Adoption of improved agricultural technologies disseminated via radio farmer programme by farmers in enugu state, nigeria a. Factors that affect the adoption of improved maize. Better access to credit enhances adoption of zero tillage. Adoption of improved maize variety among farm households in the northern region of ghana gideon dansoabbeam1,2, joshua antwi bosiako3, dennis sedem ehiakpor2 and franklin nantui mabe2 abstract. We use a rich data set generated by the ministry of agriculture minag to analyze the key determinants of agricultural technology adoption in mozambique. Adoption and perception of farmers towards attributes of. The adoptions of agricultural technologies were highly influenced by socioeconomic factors, institutional, location factors as well as agroecological factors and the characteristics of the farmers were those factors affecting the adoption and intensity of agricultural new. A historical background of the development of the new agricultural technologies examined in this paper is briefly. Low adoption of improved agricultural production technologies that can increase farmers productivity is generally known to lead to reduced agricultural output. Effects of adoption of improved maize seed on household. Improving the adoption of agricultural technologies. Datt and ravallion 1996 and hossain 1992 have purported that, since the need of the rapidly growing population could not be meet by expanding the area under cultivation, developing.

Evidence from africa obie porteous october 5, 2018 abstract the incentives for and e ects of widespread technology adoption depend on the trade costs separating producers from input and output markets. This study employed a multivariate probit model to estimate the determinants of adoption of. Factors determining adoption of new agricultural technology. This study aims to identify the determinants of adoption of improved maize variety imv among farmers in the northern region of ghana and subse.

Mfg plays in reducing farmers waiting time to adopt agricultural technologies, and improve farm performance. Decades of research have identified risk as a primary impediment to the adoption of improved agricultural technologies that can, on average, substantially boost the incomes of poor, smallfarm households for a survey of early work, see feder et al. Impacts of adoption of improved wheat technologies on. Adoption is a decision to make use of an innovation on a continuous basis. The need for practising modern techniques in rice production has become increasingly important in ghana as the per capita cultivable land continues to shrink. Adoption of improved technologies is believed to be a major factor in the. Pdf adoption and impact of improved agricultural technologies. Generation and transfer of improved technologies are critical prerequisites for agricultural development particularly for an agrarian based economy such as of ethiopian. This study has been undertaken to contribute to the understanding of farmlevel adoption dynamics and economic impacts of agricultural technologies. Review on adoption of improved agricultural technologies. Agricultural technology adoption, seed access constraints and. Factors that affect the adoption of improved maize varieties by smallholder farmers in central oromia, ethiopia. Adoption of improved agricultural technologies has been traced to the success of the green revolution initiated by an american scientist, norman borlaug, in mexico in the 1940s dethier and. Pdf adoption of improved agricultural technologies disseminated.

Factors affecting farmers adoption of technologies in farming system. The economic impact of improved agricultural 66 two directions. I incorporate the decision to adopt imported fertilizer into a model of agricultural trade between. Jun 19, 2018 our findings suggest that efforts aimed at raising household incomes and reducing poverty should focus on promoting the adoption of multiple agricultural technologies through provision of improved support services such as extension and input supply. Improved agricultural technology adoption has the potential to deepen the market share of agricultural. Aec 2012 impact of improved agricultural technology.

Adoption of technologies for sustainable farming systems oecd. In reality, despite the visible benefits of many of the new agricultural technologies, including machinery and management practices, farmers either do not adopt them or it takes a long time to begin the adoption process and scaling up. Improved highland maize is a new and promising crop gradually becoming important in ethiopian highlands. Adoption and welfare impacts of multiple agricultural. Smallholder household adoption of improved agricultural technologies, including fertilizer, irrigation, and improved storage methods, continues to remain relatively low in west africa. Farmer surveys conducted in dryland and irrigation systems in limpopo province of south africa were used to describe the farming communities and identify factors that may affect adoption of improved crop production practices. The analysis reveals that adoption of improved agricultural technologies has a robust, significant and positive impact on per capita consumption expenditure and a negative impact on the poverty. Socioeconomic factors affecting adoption of improved. Perception and adoption of a new agricultural technology. Primary data were collected in a crosssectional survey of 120 randomly selected cocoa farmers. Introduction the ultimate goal of any rural or agricultural development strategy or program is to improve the welfare of rural households. The study examined the factors influencing the adoption of improved maize farming technologies in the yendi municipality. Factors influencing improved maize farming technologies.

Adoption and impacts of improved maize production technology. Therefore, it is important to study the impact of abstract the study investigates the potential impact of agricultural technology adoption, exemplified here by adoption of improved teff boset. The role of farm resources and the enabling environment. Our results suggest that the adoption of improved agricultural technologies has a significant positive impact on farmers integration. Determine the socio economic characteristics of women, costs, benefits associated with the adoption of the agricultural technologies. Adoption of improved maize variety among farm households in. Low technology adoption continues to affect the production of maize in ghana, including the yendi municipality, which is one of the high maize producing areas. For instance mendola adopted the propensity score matching psm methods to assess the impact of agricultural technology adoption on poverty in bangladesh and observes. Pdf socioeconomic determinants of adoption of improved.

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